Writing Tips - Poorly written web writing misleads visitors and wastes millions of hours daily. For today’s more than one billion Internet users, that translates to frustration. For your web design clients, it means missed opportunities. Gain insight into highly effective web writing tactics that will help promote positive online experiences with every website you design and develop. Visitors will reward your clients with more leads and sales, and make you look good along the way.

The following post on tips for writing a blog was submitted by Lyndon from Flockblog who in his email to me with it described it as a simple ‘back to basics’ kind of post. Thanks Lyndon.

Most web designers have a leg up on traditional freelance writers since they have their pulse on what the search engines like and don’t like to see on a site.

In one of my previous articles, we discussed about ‘How to become a kickass blogger‘. In that, I shared some of the points which I thought was really helpful for those of you who are new to blogging about design.

When I'm thinking about what i have to be a good graphic design blogger, i began to write useful post about some important writing for graphic design related blogger. As we know, there is a lot of graphic design related blog all over the world. Some of them are very excellent and well known in all over blogosphere. I don't know why, but i can't find any articles about it. I just found one simple article about Writing Tips for Graphic Designers.

How do you express numbers in your writing? When do you use figures (digits) and when do you write out the number in words (letters)? That is, when do you write 9 and when do you write nine?
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