201 Wood Textured Websites For Design Inspiration

20 Wicked Wood Textured Websites

A good use of textures can bring a web design to the next level. A specific texture can also create a certain atmosphere. Metal textures are usually associated with a cold, industrial look while wood textures are linked to a feeling of warmth. In this article you’ll find 20 websites that use really beautiful wood textures in their design.

Showcase of 40+ Woody Textured Websites with Texture Resources

One of the latest trends in web design is combining the use of textures, images, graphics and type. As there are a wide range of texture resources available, catering to any look and feel is not a problem. Natural looking textures bring harmony to finish up your illustration, and some textures make it possible to create a variety of interesting effects, giving your graphics or images an edge and a bit more personality. Since wood has become one of the most commonly used texture in websites today, this post gathers how these 44 creative examples have implemented it into their websites.

Wood textures in modern web design: Examples and Resources

It is very common nowadays that websites/blogs uses a textured background. This article will only focus on wood textures, how they can be used and where to find them. Read some tutorials on how you can change the look of your textures with a couple few effects in Photoshop, and you will get a very nice background for your next web design project.

24 Beautiful Wood Texture Websites Designs

The beginning of this month my friend start a new website project for the client, the client required 2008 trend graphics styles like woody texture or some old paper type graphics touch for unique look.My friend starts searching wood texture keywords on Google and browses some websites galleries for inspiration. In the result of many websites sorted 24 websites for inspiration, which all of that listed here.Many of them use full wood texture images as background to control the uniqueness of whole layout and some designer use wood texture in top header and some of in multiple graphics element.

Showcase of 26 Beautiful Wood Textured Web Designs For Inspiration

n the year 2009 there have been many design trends, especially when it comes to designing for the world wide web. One of those trends has been the use of texture in web design; in this showcase, we have collected some beautiful wood textured web designs that are bound to make you want your own wooden textured website.As you will see in this showcase, the use of texture in web design is a great way to give your site some personality and really make it stand out. Following on from showcase, you'll find a selection useful resources and links that will help you when creating your own wood textured design!

20 Beautiful Websites Using Wood Textures

One of the popular trend in web design is use of beautiful textures. There is always a possibility to come up with something stunning for a web designer with the use of a perfect texture. Wood – one of the most commonly used texture in websites inspired us to showcase some beautiful websites using wood textures in their design.In this article We’ve collected 20 beautiful websites using wood textures as a part of their design in many creative ways.

30+ Websites That Use Wood Texture

When you search for web design inspiration on the web, you’ll find several websites using wood texture to supercharge their uniqueness and creativity. This fashion of trying wood texture on a website or blog in the background or in a creative style in the navigation or in the form of some unique graphic or label is quickly gaining momentum among graphic and web designers. Especially, portfolio or personal websites / blogs are using wood texture to enhance their creative level.

25 Stunning and Attractive Wood Texture Websites Designs

Many designers today are using different styles to create some stunning web designs, Using textures in web design have become quite popular, Particularly wood texture. in this post, I would like to share with you some really amazing examples of websites that have been inspired by wood. These sites all bring a sense of warm and personal feeling when viewing them.

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