Times Square, NYC by Francisco Diez
Three-exposure handheld HDR (photomatix). If you hold your breath, sometimes you don't really need a tripod! I used some really heavy colours to try to replicate Times Square's energy. I think it worked out well. It is one of my most viewed pictures. - Francisco Diez
An Almost Empty Time Square by Brandon Watts
Now I know I hadn't been to New York since before this trip but I would guess this is a sight that isn't really seen to much in Time Square. For the most part it seems like this place is always busy but as we left Dave & Busters for the night we were greeted with the streets almost empty and the rest of the people who were still awake looking for a ride home. Unfortunately for me I was still awake and hungry so I was off to find the nearest Mcdonalds :) - Brandon Watts
Times Square Looking Uptown by Trey Ratcliff
My Tutorial is right here - I have over 16,000 unread emails - sorry but I am too swamped - but most of you ask for that tutorial, so there it is! :) - Trey Ratcliff
Times Square by Oliver Fluck

Times Square Apocalypse by Mark Finney
The inevitable, ubiquitous HDR of Times Square with creepy clouds. 5 shots, hand-held. And despite claims that HDRs look just like reality, this is nothing like how I remember the place! v2 - Mark finney
Times Square at Dusk (New York City) by Trey Ratcliff
If you want to see how I made this (and how you can too!), visit my HDR Tutorial. I hope it gives you some new tricks!Many people ask about my technique, and all the details are in the tutorial above. Others just come for the Photomatix discount code that they gave me since I am such a big believer in their product - that Photomatix discount code is "stuckincustoms".
You can visit the tutorial for this picture at stuckincustoms.com/2006/06/06/548/

times square

Times Square by Bary Burke
Huge billboards and displays are everywhere in Times Square! It makes the city look so colorful and vibrant!I am starting to try some HDR work. This is a 3 shot image done with Photomatix, then tonemapped and run through Topaz Adjust.- Bary Burke

New York Time Square 2 by Barney F

Times Square by Kevin Woods
More Times Square. Taken form the TKTS steps.I know why they call it Times...the original NY Times building is in the center...but why square, its in the shape of a big X?
Maybe it should be Town Square...evidenced by the throngs of humans visiting it every day....and this crowd is small in comparison to a friday evening in the summer.... - Kevin Woods

HDR - Times Square by Nico Potgieter

Times Square, hdr by Sean

New York Time Square by piasta

have a heart by mudpig

Times Square, NYC by Calvin Ly
Shot with a Nikon D90 using Nikon 14MM f/2.8D ED AF Ultra Wide Angle Nikkor Lens. Applied HDR (on a single RAW image) for post processing. - Calvin Ly
Scottish soccer in Times Square, New York by Mike G.K
People with Scottish kilts playing soccer in the Times Square, New YorkI wonder what they were filming.Please see the large size. Can you find the AT&T sign? :) - Mike G.K

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