hd colour wallpapers



Introduction to Color

After Effects CS3 has introduced the concept of “color management”to the motion graphics world. Color management is based on the admission that in the real world, nothing’s perfect: Different formats (such as video cameras, still image cameras, computer-generated imagery, etc.) have different biases when it comes time to capture or create an image. Likewise, different output formats and devices - such as television sets or web browsers - have different biases as
well. Additionally, computer monitors also have their own biases. When all these devices have potentially different ideas of how “red” a rose is, how do you know when you’re seeing the truth? The answer is to identify each of these biases (also known as “profiles”) and to compensate for them as you travel through the processing chain

What is color management?

Color management technology enables you to achieve more accurate and consistent color reproduction. To achieve this goal, color management technology performs two essential tasks:
Identifying a specific color appearance for red, green, and blue (RGB) numbers in a digital file.
Attempting to maintain that color appearance by changing, if necessary, the color numbers needed by an output device to produce the specified

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