Automatic Nofollow Attribute For External Links in Blogger Tips and Tricks

nofollow external links

No-follow attribute is a very powerful tag which is used to prevent page rank juice flow from one blog to another. We write best quality articles for our readers and link to internal posts for more information  in depth on a particular topic. Internal linking not only help to increase blog traffic but it also help to reduce blog bounce rate. It help to make our blog posts search engine friendly and improve all blog posts ranking by passing page rank juice from one post to another. But sometime we need to link external sites in our blog posts for any reference topic or another non important links like demo and download links.Those links sculpt our valuable page rank juice from our post. To prevent our blog page rank we should add nofollow attribute to external links. In this tutorial I will tell you how you can make all external links nofollow in blogger automatically. Let's go to the tutorial.

Add Nofollow to External Links

  1. Go to your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Backup your blog template before applying this trick in your blog.
  • Read: How to Backup Template in Blogger?
  1. Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Tick Expand Widget Template Box.
  2. Search this code in your template

  3. </head>
  4. Now paste the below code just above it.
  5. <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(&#39;a[href*=&quot;http://&quot;]:not([href*=&quot;;])&#39;).attr(&#39;rel&#39;, &#39;nofollow&#39;);     }); </script>

    Note: Remove red line code if you are using any other jQuery.js file in your template and change yellow url with your blog url.
  6. Save Template
  7. Done!

Benefits of Nofollow Tag for External Links

  1. Prevent your blog page rank from sculpting.
  2. If you link to any suspicious sites or spam sites than it will also hurt your site ranking. Adding nofollow tag will also prevent your blog from this blunder.
  3. As per Google's latest algorithms paid links are not good for SEO. If you are using any paid or affiliate link into your blog post so it will better to make them nofollow.
  4. And many more..

How to Check Nofollow Links?

To check either the link is nofollow or dofollow there are so many methods and options available. But checking it manually is a time consuming process. It is better to use a tool which will automatically check that either link is nofollow or not. There is a very popular SEO Extension name SEOQuake for browsers that will not only check nofollow links but also give you so many another information about the website like it's Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Whois Record and many more interesting and useful details. Nofollow links will be highlighted by a cross line on it like this "This is a nofollow link". So if you want to add this extension into your browser then download it from below two options.

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