After my previous post on how to create a Facebook page, most of my friends and readers ask me that how they can create a page on Google plus too to promote their blogs and websites. So, I decided to write a post on step by step guide that will tell all the steps to create Google plus page for blog. Promoting the blog on Google+ is very important after the Google's panda and penguin algorithm updates. Now Google started giving more value to those blogs which have more Google plus one and Facebook likes. If you are not promoting your site on Google plus then start using it today. I will tell you how you can create a page for your blog on Google plus. Let see the steps.
Create Google Plus Page
- Go to your Google Plus account.
- Click on more link from the left side menu.
- After you click the more link, you will see some more options. Choose Pages from them.
- Once you click the Pages option then look for Create New Page button at the top right corner.
- Now choose your page category. If you want to create page for your blog or website then I recommend to choose Other category.
- Now fill some basic information like your page name and blog URL and tick the page terms checkbox as shown in the below image.
- Click on continue button.
- Done!

Congratulation! You have successfully created fan page of your blog on Google plus.
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